Ethiopia joined the ranks of large dam builders in 2011 when it launched construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, or GERD, on the Blue Nile.

Ethiopia joined the ranks of large dam builders in 2011 when it launched construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, or GERD, on the Blue Nile.
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam currently under construction is meant to provide transformative energy to the region. However, hydropower engineers at…
Recently, the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has caused a major dispute with downstream Egypt which fears the dam will affect water…
La diga nascente, Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, è faraonica, diventerà la più grande d’Africa, surclassando quella famosa di Assuan in Egitto, e creerà in…
By Tewodros Kassa. The Office of National Council for the Coordination of Public Participation for the Construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam…
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), near Guba in Ethiopia, in December. SAP Targets IT Contracts in Ethiopia to Drive Africa Revenue. Mar 04…
Ethiopia is seeking rapprochement with Egypt through the media after years of rising apprehension over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam of the Blue Nile…
projects like the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. At the same time, the government clamped down on press freedom, and curtailed civil and political rights…